the honey

As moving to the country we have a vision of in the future being self subsistence. It´s is a vision and we the don´t think that we will fully get there. We will have chickens for egg within short.

Anyway, I was just surfing the internet and found a used beehive. I bought it without thinking very much about it and got my Mr to pick it up. I thought I would just have to get bees and then collect the honey. My Mr thought I should take a class in how to be a beekeeper. So I did. It turned out to be so much more work and I would have to aquire lots of knowledge, and that made me hesitate. Would I be able to take care of bees and have them survive the winter?

We will just have to wait and see.

I got the bees from my mentor. His name is Olle and he is just a fantastic and generous man who gladly shares his knowledge. He is also very helpfull and came to our house to get the bees settled in.

May has been just beautiful. We´ve hardly had a drop of rain and the bees have been working really hard to get their storage full. In only 3 weeks it was time to extract the first honey.

I´ve decided to name the honey; hjälmarödshonung, since Hjälmaröd is the name of the plcace where we live.